Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 8.

I'm feeling a bit more relaxed with the wait. I think after coming off 3 full days of not thinking about it, ok, wait, that's a lie. I was actually saying to myself I wasn't thinking about it today, but I was really thinking "hmmmmmm. Maybe we could still get our referral today, even though Gladney is closed. That would be a surprise!" ALL day.

Now that it's happy hour. I'm back to being relaxed with the wait. ;)
Check with me tomorrow, we'll see how long the Zen lasts this time.

Keeping with the music theme I've somehow started for myself, I'll leave you with this:

p.s. I would like to add one teeny request the the Universe. Please let my referral come before Friday. Rolyn leaves Friday evening and will be gone for 10 days...I would really really love for us to be together for the call. BUT don't get me wrong, if it has to come during those 10 days, we'll take it. Please don't wait. mmmmkay?


  1. I kept thinking all weekend that with three days off that triples the chances of us getting our referral tomorrow. Right?! That sounds like good logic to me! Haha! :)

    Here's to another week...

  2. sounds good to me layla! now get back to studying! ;)

  3. YES! Actually, we need this by Thursday b/c I want to know all the details before we leave!
    Of course, the hubby being away takes priority, but just saying :)
