Sunday, August 8, 2010


Thank you everyone who commented on my last post who either A: also needs to make an appointment with the eye doctor or B: saw the AND SIBLING that clearly must have changed somewhere in the process but was not updated on the list!

Regardless, I feel less crazy than I did last week. It also confirms I do in fact have friends out there in Blogstonia. I was wondering why none of you sent me a gentle nudge with a stage whisper "Hey, er ummm, Heather I think you might want to recount your place on the list." Unless of course you hated me. So today I feel happy this is not the case. You do love me, or at least you don't hate me. Right?

Come on Monday.
Bring it.
We're ready.
All. Of. Us.

1 comment:

  1. I am praying again this week for you. I need some travel buddies in October and November :) Come on referrals!
